Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Notes Conservation Of Plants And Animals notes

In this post, we will discuss Class 8 Science Chapter 7 notes pdf Conservation Of Plants And Animals Notes. Class 8th science ch 7 notes help students in revision. Conservation Of Plants And Animals notes class 8, we will learn about Deforestation and Its Causes, Consequences of Deforestation, Conservation of Forest and Wildlife and Reforestation. You can also download the Conservation Of Plants And Animals notes class 8 pdf for further study. NCERT notes for the Class 8 Science Chapter 7 are designed by our subject expert team.

In this Class 8th Science Ch 7 Notes pdf, we will learn about the Conservation Of Plants And Animals

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Class 8 Science Chapter 7 notes Overview

A great variety of plants and animals exist on earth. They are essential for the well-being and survival of mankind. Today, a major threat to the survival of these organisms is deforestation. In this post, we will learn Class 8 Science Chapter 7 notes Conservation Of Plants And Animals.

Deforestation and Its Causes

Deforestation:- Deforestation means clearing forests and using that land for other purposes. Trees in the forest are cut for some of the purposes mentioned below:

  • Procuring land for cultivation.
  • Building houses and factories.
  • Making furniture or using wood as fuel.

Consequences of Deforestation

  • The increases the temperature and pollution level on the earth. It increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and may reduce rainfall. The groundwater level also gets lowered. This can cause droughts.
  • Deforestation is a major cause of desertification. As we know trees prevent soil erosion. Fewer trees result in more soil erosion. Removal of the top layer of the soil means lower, hard and rocky layers. This soil has less humus and is less fertile means desertification takes place.
  • Professor Ahmad told that if the cutting of trees continues, rainfall and the fertility of the soil will decrease. There will be increased chances of natural calamities such as floods and droughts.
  • As plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Fewer trees mean that less carbon dioxide will be used up due to this carbon dioxide trap and increase the heat rays reflected by the earth. . This will lead to global warming.

Droughts:- The increase in temperature on the earth disturbs the water cycle and may reduce rainfall. This could cause droughts.

Desertification:- The fertile land gets converted into deserts. It is called desertification.

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

Wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere reserves etc., are protected areas for the conservation of plants and animals present in that area.

To protect our flora and fauna and their habitats, protected areas called wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves have been earmarked. Plantation, cultivation, grazing, felling trees, hunting and poaching are prohibited there.

Biosphere Reserve

Biosphere Reserve: Large areas of protected land for conservation of wildlife, plant and animal resources and traditional life of the tribals living in the area. or biosphere reserves are the areas meant for the conservation of biodiversity. The biosphere reserves help to maintain the biodiversity and culture of that area.

Biodiversity:- is the variety of plants, animals and microorganisms generally found in an area.

Flora and Fauna

The plants and animals found in a particular area are termed flora and fauna respectively of that area.

Sal, teak, mango, Jamun, silver ferns, Arjun, etc., are the flora and chinkara, blue bull, barking deer, cheetal, leopard, wild dog, wolf, etc. are examples of the fauna of the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.


Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Notes (a) Wild dog (b) Cheetal (c) Wolf (d) Leopard (e) Fern (f) Jamun tree
(a) Wild dog (b) Cheetal (c) Wolf (d) Leopard (e) Fern (f) Jamun tree

Endemic Species

Endemic species are those species of plants and animals which are found exclusively in a particular area. They are not naturally found anywhere else. Madhavji shows sal and wild mango are two examples of the endemic flora of the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. Bison, Indian giant squirrel and flying squirrel are endemic fauna of this area.

A species is a group of populations which are capable of interbreeding. This means that the members of a species can reproduce fertile offspring only with the members of their own species and not with members of other species. Members of a species have common characteristics.

Wildlife Sanctuary

Wildlife Sanctuary: Areas where animals are protected from any disturbance to them and their habitat.

  • killing or capturing animals is strictly prohibited and punishable by law in all such places.
  • zoos are places where animals receive protection.

Wildlife Sanctuaries like reserve forests provide protection and suitable living conditions to wild animals. He also tells them that people living in wildlife sanctuaries are allowed to do certain activities such as grazing their livestock, collecting medicinal plants, firewood, etc.

National Park

National Park: Areas reserved for wildlife where they can freely use the habitats and natural resources.

  • Satpura National Park is the first Reserve Forest in India.
  • There are more than one hundred National Parks in India.
  • Tiger is one of the species which are slowly disappearing from our forests.

Project Tiger was launched by the government to protect the tigers in the country. The objective of this project was to ensure the survival and maintenance of the tiger population in the country.

Animals whose numbers are diminishing to a level that they might face extinction are known as endangered animals.

An ecosystem is made of all the plants, animals and microorganisms in an area along with non-living components such as climate, soil, river deltas etc. or ECosystem means interaction between the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factor.

Red Data Book

Red Data Book is the sourcebook which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and plants. Red Data Book is maintained internationally by an organisation. India also maintains Red Data Book for plants and animals found in India.


Migratory birds fly to far away areas every year during a particular time because of climatic changes. They fly for laying eggs as the weather in their natural habitat becomes very cold and inhospitable. Birds who cover long distances to reach another land are known as migratory birds.

Recycling of Paper

Another cause of deforestation is one tonne of paper is made by full-grown trees. paper can be recycled five to seven times for use. If we save at least one paper in a day, we can save many trees in a year.

We should save, and reuse used paper and recycle it. By this, we not only save trees but also save energy and water needed for manufacturing paper. harmful chemicals used in paper making will also be reduced.


The answer to deforestation is reforestation.

  • Reforestation is the restocking of the destroyed forests by planting new trees.
  • The planted trees should be the same species which were found in that forest.
  • We should plant at least as many trees as we cut.

What we learn Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Notes Conservation Of Plants And Animals

In Class 8th Science Ch 7 Notes pdf / Conservation Of Plants And Animals notes

  • Wildlife sanctuary, national park and biosphere reserve are names given to the areas meant for conservation and preservation of forest and wild animals.
  • Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms in a specific area.
  • Plants and animals of a particular area are known as the flora and fauna of that area.
  • Endemic species are found only in a particular area.
  • Endangered species are those which are facing the danger of extinction.
  • Red Data Book contains a record of endangered species.
  • Migration is the phenomenon of movement of a species from its own habitat to some other habitat for a particular time period every year for a specific purpose like breeding.
  • We should save, reuse and recycle paper to save trees, energy and water.
  • Reforestation is the restocking destroyed forests by planting new trees.

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