NCERT Book Class 12 Home Science for 2024-25

Here we provide NCERT Book Class 12 Home Science pdf. You can download Class 12 Home Science NCERT in Hindi and English. Home Science ncert class 12 pdf 2024 25 is provided by NCERT. NCERT Home Science Class 12 helps you easily understand all topics and concepts given in the CBSE Syllabus.

NCERT Book for Class 12 Home Science builds a base for students who want to prepare for competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Railway etc. In the Class 12th Home Science book pdf, all the concepts are given in an easy-to-understand language. You can also Download NCERT Books for all classes.

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Class 12 Home Science NCERT Book

Home Science class 12 NCERT Book is provided here. You can download class 12 Home Science book pdf in Hindi and English.

NCERT Home Science book for Class 12 in English Part INCERT Home Science book for Class 12 in Hindi Part I
NCERT Home Science book for Class 12 in English Part IINCERT Home Science book for Class 12 in Hindi Part II
Class 12 Home Science NCERT

NCERT Book for Class 12 Home Science

Class 12 NCERT Home Science is divided into two parts. Here we provide Home Science book class 12 ncert chapter-wise. From the below links, you can download Class 12 Home Science NCERT pdf.

Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part I
Chapter Name Chapter Name
Chapter 1 WORK, LIVELIHOOD AND CAREERChapter 1 कार्य, आजीविका तथा जीविका
Chapter 2 NUTRITION, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYChapter 2 पोषर, खाद्य विज्ान और प्रौद्योवगकी
Chapter 3 Public Nutrition And HealthChapter 3 जनपोषर तथा स्िास्‍थर
Chapter 4 Catering and Food Service ManagementChapter 4 खान-पान व्रिस्था और िोजन सवेिा प्रिंधन
Chapter 5 Food Processing And TechnologyChapter 5 खाद्य प्रसंस्करर और प्रौद्योवगकी
Chapter 6 Food Quality and Food SafetyChapter 6 खाद्य गुरित्ा और खाद्य सुरक्ा
Chapter 7 Early Childhood Care and EducationChapter 7 प्रारंविक िाल्रािस्था दवेखिाल और वशक्ा
Chapter 8 Guidance and CounsellingChapter 8 माग्यदश्यन और परामश्य
Chapter 9 Special Education and Support ServicesChapter 9 विशवेष वशक्ा और सहारक सवेिाएँ
Chapter 10 Management of Support Services, Institutions and Programmes for Children, Youth and ElderlyChapter 10ि चचों, रुिाओं और िृद्धजनों कवे वलए सहारक सवेिाओं, संस्थानों और कार्यरिमों का प्रिंधन
Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part II
Chapter Name Chapter Name
Chapter 1 design for Fabric and apparelChapter 1 वस्‍त्र एवं परिधान के शिए शिजाइन
Chapter 2 Fashion design and MerchandisingChapter 2 फै़िन शिजाइन औि वयापाि
Chapter 3 production and Quality control in the Garment industryChapter 3 वस्‍त्र उद्ोग में उतपादन तथा गुणवत्ा शनयंत्रण
Chapter 4 Textile conservation in MuseumsChapter 4 संग्हाियों में वस्‍त्र संिक्षण
Chapter 5 care and Maintenance of Fabrics in institutionsChapter 5 संस्‍थाओं में वस्‍त्राें की देखिाि औि िखिखाव
Chapter 6 Human resource ManagementChapter 6 मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन
Chapter 7 Hospitality ManagementChapter 7 आशत‍थय प्रबंधन
Chapter 8 ergonomics and designing of interior and exterior SpacesChapter 8 श्रम प्रभाशवकी तथा भीतिी एवं बाििी सथानों की सजजा
Chapter 9 event ManagementChapter 9 समािोि प्रबंधन
Chapter 10 consumer education and protectionChapter 10 उ्‍भो्‍ता शिक्षा औि संिक्षण
Chapter 11 development communication and JournalismChapter 11 ववकास संचार ्था पत्रकारर्ा
Chapter 12 advocacyChapter 12 पैरवी
Chapter 13 Media Management, design and productionChapter 13 जनसंचार माधयम—प्बंिन, विज़ाइन एवं उतपादन
Chapter 14 corporate communication and public relationsChapter 14 वनिवम् संप्ेषण ्था जनसंपक्य
Chapter 15 Management Of Development ProgrammesChapter 15 ववकास-काय्यरिमों का प्बंिन
Class 12 Home Science NCERT
NCERT Book Class 12 Home Science
NCERT Book Class 12 Home Science

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