CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2022-23 / CBSE Syllabus for Class 10 Social Science:
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus (Revised) for the academic year 2022-2023 is provided by CBSE. Here we provide CBSE Syllabus for Class 10 Social Science with the latest course structure. The board has dropped some chapters and topics from the syllabus for class 10 CBSE. In CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus, some of the major topics have been excluded from the current academic session.
CBSE Class 10 Social Science syllabus helps you to understand the important topics. Students are advised to read the Class 10 Social Science Syllabus before starting preparation. With the syllabus for CBSE class 10 Social Science, we also provide the weightage of each chapter. We provide the CBSE Syllabus for Class 10 Social Science PDF. The CBSE Social Science Syllabus for Class 10 PDF is available for download for free.
The Social Science Syllabus of CBSE Class 10 includes the CBSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus, CBSE Class 10 History Syllabus, CBSE Class 10 Civics Syllabus and CBSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus.
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CBSE Class 10 SST Syllabus 2022-23: Unit-wise Summary
Unit-wise Summary of the CBSE Class 10 SST Syllabus is Given below

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2022-23 Unit-1
Unit-1: India and the Contemporary World–II
Themes and contents
Section 1: Events and Processes:
1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe:
- The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
- The Making of Nationalism in Europe
- The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848
- The Making of Germany and Italy
- Visualizing the Nation
- Nationalism and Imperialism
2. Nationalism in India:
The First World War, Khilafat, and Non-Cooperation
- Differing Strands within the Movement
- Towards Civil Disobedience
- The Sense of Collective Belonging
Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies, and Societies:
3. The Making of a Global World:
- The Pre-modern world
- The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914)
- The Interwar Economy
- Rebuilding a World Economy: The
- Post-War Era
4. The Age of Industrialization:
- Before the Industrial Revolution
- Hand Labour and Steam Power
- Industrialization in the Colonies
- Factories Come Up
- The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth
- Market for Goods
Section 3: Everyday Life, Culture, and Politics:
5. Print Culture and the Modern World:
- The First Printed Books
- Print Comes to Europe
- The Print Revolution and its Impact
- The Reading Mania
- The Nineteenth Century
- India and the World of Print
- Religious Reform and Public Debates
- New Forms of Publication
- Print and Censorship
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2022-23 Unit-2
Unit 2: Contemporary India – II
Themes and contents
1. Resources and Development:
- Development of Resources
- Resource Planning – Resource Planning in India, Conservation of Resources
- Land Resources
- Land Utilization
- Land Use Pattern in India
- Land Degradation and Conservation Measures
- Soil as a Resource – Classification of Soils, Soil Erosion, and Soil Conservation (excluding Box Information on State of India’s Environment)
2. Forest and Wildlife
- Conservation of forest and wildlife in India
- Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources
- Community and Conservation
3. Water Resources:
- Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management
- Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Management
- Rainwater Harvesting
4. Agriculture:
- Types of Farming – Primitive Subsistence, Intensive Subsistence, Commercial
- Cropping Pattern – Major Crops, Food Crops other than Grains, Non-Food Crops, Technological and Institutional Reforms
- Food Security (excluding the impact of globalization on agriculture)
5. Minerals and Energy Resources
- What is a mineral?
- Mode of occurrence of Minerals – Where are these minerals found? Ferrous
- Minerals, Non-Ferrous Minerals, Non-
- Metallic Minerals, Rock Minerals
- Conservation of Minerals
- Energy Resources – Conventional Sources of Energy, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
- Conservation of Energy Resources
6. Manufacturing Industries:
- Importance of Manufacturing – Industrial Location (excluding Industry Market Linkage), Agro-based Industry (excluding, Cotton Textiles, Jute, Textiles, Sugar Industry), Mineral-based Industries (excluding Iron Steel Industry, Cement Industry), Industrial Pollution and Environmental, Degradation, Control of Environmental, Degradation
7. Life Lines of National Economy:
- Roadways
- Railways
- Pipelines
- Waterways
- Major Seaports
- Airways
- Communication
- International Trade
- Tourism as a Trade
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2022-23 Unit-3
Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II
Themes and contents
1. Power Sharing:
- Belgium and Sri Lanka
- Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
- Accommodation in Belgium
- Why power sharing is desirable?
- Forms of Power Sharing
2. Federalism:
- What is Federalism?
- What makes India a Federal Country?
- How is Federalism practised?
- Decentralization in India
3. Gender, Religion, and Caste:
- Gender and Politics – Public/Private division, Women’s political representation
- Religion, Communalism, and Politics –
- Communalism, Secular State.
- Caste and Politics – Caste inequalities, Caste in politics, Politics in caste
4. Political Parties:
- Why do we need Political Parties? – Meaning, Functions, Necessity
- How many parties should we have?
- National Parties
- State Parties
- Challenges to Political Parties
- How can Parties be reformed?
5. Outcomes of Democracy:
- How do we assess democracy’s outcomes?
- Accountable, responsive, and legitimate government
- Economic growth and development
- Reduction of inequality and poverty
- Accommodation of social diversity
- Dignity and freedom of the citizens
CBSE Class 10 social science syllabus 2022-23 Unit-4
Unit 4: Understanding Economic Development
Themes and content
1. Development:
- What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals
- Income and Other Goals
- National Development
- How to compare different countries or states?
- Income and other criteria
- Public Facilities
- Sustainability of Development
2. Sectors of the Indian Economy:
- Sectors of Economic Activities
- Comparing the three sectors
- Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors in India
- Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
- Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors
3. Money and Credit:
- Money as a medium of exchange
- Modern forms of Money
- Loan activities of Banks
- Two different Credit situations
- Terms of Credit
- Formal Sector Credit in India
- Self-Help Groups for the Poor
4. Globalization and the Indian Economy:
- Production across countries
- Interlinking production across countries
- Foreign Trade and integration of markets
- What is Globalization?
- Factors that have enabled Globalization
- World Trade Organization
- Impact of Globalization in India
- The Struggle for a Fair Globalization
5. Consumer Rights:
- To be used only for Project Work
CBSE Class 10 SST Syllabus 2022-23: Project work
Project work is of 5 marks, Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:
- Consumer Awareness
- Social Issues
- Sustainable Development
The objective of the Project – The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain insight and pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines from an interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students. Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt over the years in order to prepare the project report.
Marks Distribution of Project work
Aspects | Marks |
The content accuracy, originality, and analysis | 2 |
Presentation and creativity | 2 |
Viva Voce | 1 |
CBSE Class 10 Social science Syllabus 2022-23: Reference Books
- India and the Contemporary World-II (History) – Published by NCERT
- Contemporary India II (Geography) – Published by NCERT
- Democratic Politics II (Political Science) – Published by NCERT
- Understanding Economic Development – Published by NCERT
- Together Towards a Safer India – Part III, a textbook on Disaster Management – Published by CBSE
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper Design
CBSE Class 10 Question Paper Design for Social Science is given below

1. Teachers may refer to ‘Learning Outcomes’ published by NCERT for developing lesson plans, assessment frameworks and questions.
2. 02 Items from History Map List and 03 Items from Geography Map List.
Internal Assessment Marks Class 10
Description | Marks | |
Periodic assessment | Pen Paper Test Assessment using multiple strategies, For example, Quiz, Debate, Role Play, Viva, Group Discussion, etc. | 10 |
Portfolio | Class Work Done (Activities/Assignments), Reflections, Narrations, Journals, etc.Achievements of the students in the subject throughout the year.Participation of the students in different activities like the Heritage India Quiz | 5 |
Subject Enrichment | Project Work | 5 |
Total | 20 |
CBSE Class 10 Social science Syllabus 2022-23: Map list
A. HISTORY (Outline Political Map of India)
Chapter – 3 Nationalism in India – (1918 – 1930) for locating and labelling / Identification
- Indian National Congress Sessions:
- Calcutta (Sep. 1920)
- Nagpur (Dec. 1920)
- Madras (1927)
- Important Centres of the Indian National Movement
- Champaran (Bihar) – Movement of Indigo Planters
- Kheda (Gujarat) – Peasant Satyagrah
- Ahmedabad (Gujarat) – Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha
- Amritsar (Punjab) – Jallianwala Bagh Incident
- Chauri Chaura (U.P.) – Calling off the Non-Cooperation Movement
- Dandi (Gujarat) – Civil Disobedience Movement
B. GEOGRAPHY (Outline Political Map of India)
Chapter 1: Resources and Development (Identification only)
- Major soil Types
Chapter 3: Water Resources (Locating and Labelling) Dams:
- Salal
- Bhakra Nangal
- Tehri
- Rana Pratap Sagar
- Sardar Sarovar
- Hirakud
- Nagarjuna Sagar
- Tungabhadra
Chapter 4: Agriculture (Identification only)
- Major areas of Rice and Wheat
- Largest / Major producer states of Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cotton, and Jute
Chapter 5: Minerals and Energy Resources: Minerals (Identification only)
- Iron Ore mines
- Mayurbhanj
- Durg
- Bailadila
- Coal Mines
- Bellary
- Kudremukh
- Raniganj
- Bokaro
- Oil Fields
- Talcher
- Neyveli
- Digboi
- Naharkatia
- Mumbai High
Power Plants (Locating and Labelling only)
- Thermal
- Bassien
- Kalol
- Ankleshwar
- Namrup
- Ramagundam
- Singrauli
- Nuclear
- Narora
- Tarapur
- Kakrapara
- Kalpakkam
Chapter 6: Manufacturing Industries (Locating and Labelling Only) Software Technology Parks:
- Noida
- Gandhinagar
- Mumbai
- Pune
Chapter 7: Lifelines of the National Economy
Major Ports: (Locating and Labelling)
- Kandla
- Mumbai
- Marmagao
- New Mangalore
- Kochi
- Hyderabad
- Bengaluru
- Chennai
- Thiruvananthapuram
International Airports:
- Amritsar (Raja Sansi – Sri Guru Ram Dass jee)
- Delhi (Indira Gandhi)
- Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji)
- Chennai (Meenam Bakkam)
- Kolkata (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose)
- Hyderabad (Rajiv Gandhi)
- Tuticorin
- Chennai
- Vishakhapatnam
- Paradip
- Haldia