UPSC GS Paper 1 Syllabus
UPSC GS Paper 1 Syllabus Includes – Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society. Here we provide UPSC GS Paper 1 Syllabus 2024 in Detail.
You can also check UPSC Mains Syllabus for all subjects in detail.
Table of Contents for UPSC GS 1 Syllabus 2024
General Studies Paper 1 Syllabus 2024
Culture of India
- Major aspects of the various Indian art forms, Architecture & literature of India, from ancient to modern India.
Modern Indian History
- Personalities from the mid-18th century to the present, issues, Important events, etc.
- Stages of the freedom struggle and the people who played a part in it.
- History from the post-independence perspective and the reorganization and consolidation of the Indian states following that.
World History
- World events from the 18th century onwards and their effects on society & the world at large. (Industrial Revolution, World Wars, delineation of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, effects of political philosophies like communism, capitalism, etc.)
- Society of India, it’s diversity and important aspects.
- Population and issues related to it, the role of women and women-led organizations in Indian societies, poverty, and development-related issues, urbanization, problems due to it and solutions, etc.
- Communalism, regionalism, & secularism in India, social empowerment.
- Globalization and its effects on Indian society.
- Important natural resources around the globe especially in South Asia and the Indian Subcontinent; factors affecting the location of the primary, secondary and tertiary sector industries across the world along with India.
- Key geographical phenomena and their causes like tsunamis, earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic activities, etc.
- The various geographical features and their locations, changes of features with a location like water bodies and polar ice caps, and effects of these changes on flora and fauna.
- Key features of the planet’s physical geography.

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UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for Art & Culture
Major aspects of the various Indian art forms, Architecture & literature of India, from ancient to modern India.
Indian Art Forms
- Indian Paintings
- Mural Paintings
- Miniature Paintings
- Mughal, Rajput, Pahari Paintings
- Dances in India
- Classical Dance Forms
- Folk Dance Forms
- Modern Dance
- Music
- Classical Music
- Folk Music
- Puppetry
- String Puppets
- Shadow Puppets
- Rod Puppets
- Glove puppets
- Modern Puppetry
- Tribal Puppetry
- Pottery
- Ochre Coloured Pottery(OCP)
- Black and Red Ware (BRW)
- Painted Grey Ware (PGW)
- Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW)
- Glazed and Unglazed Pottery
- Drama/Theatre
- Classical Sanskrit Theatre
- Regional Theatre
- Modern Theatre
- Martial Arts
- Thang Ta
- Gatka
- Kalaripayattu
- Mallakhamb
- Silambam
- Other Important Martial Arts
- Visual Art
- Sculptures of the Harappan Civilization
- Sculptures of the Mauryan Age
- Post-Mauryan Period
- Jain Sculptures
- Buddhist Sculpture
- Gupta Sculpture
- Medieval School of Sculpture
- Modern Indian Sculpture
- Bhakti & Sufi Movements
- Spread of Bhakti and Sufi Movements
- Women Poets of Bhakti
- Classical Sanskrit Literature
- Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas
- Books written by Kalidasa, Vishakhadatta etc
- Ancient Buddhist Literature
- Ancient Jainism Literature
- Early Dravidian Literature (eg Sangam Period)
- Medieval Literature
- Trends in Medieval Literature
- Modern Indian Literature
- Harappan Architecture
- Mauryan Architecture
- Post-Mauryan Period Gupta Period
- Temple Architecture
- Nagara Style
- Dravida Style
- Vesara Style
- Cave Architecture
- Buddhist Cave
- Jaina Caves
- Gupta Period Caves
- Medieval and Indo-Islamic Architecture
- Imperial Style Delhi Sultanate
- Provincial Style
- Mughal Style
- Sikh Style of Architecture
- Rajput Architecture
- Salient features
- Colonial Architecture & Modern Architecture
- European Influence
- Indo-Saracenic Architecture
- Post-Independence Period
- Contribution of Buddhism & Jainism to the Development of Indian Architecture
- Rock Cut Architecture
- South Indian
- Western Indian
- Eastern Indian
UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for Ancient History
- Stone Age
- Chalcolithic Age
- Iron Age
Indus Valley Civilization (IVC)
- Town Planning
- Harappan Society
- Characteristics of Major Centers
- Harappan Art & Architecture
- Decline of Harappan Culture
Vedic Society
- Original Home of Aryans
- Socio- Economic Characters of Vedic Society
- Vedic Literature
- Social Organization and Varna System
- Religion and Thought
Pre-Mauryan Period
- Mahajanpadas
- Haryanka dynasty
- Shishunaga dynasty
- Nanda dynasty
Jainism and Buddhism
- Gautam Buddha
- Mahavira
- Growth of Jainism and Buddhism
Mauryan Empire
- Chandragupta and Bindusara
- Arthasastra (Book by Kautilya)
- Megasthenes
- Asoka and His Successors
- Asoka’s Inscriptions and Sites
- Asoka’ a Dhamma
- Mauryan. Administration, Economy, Society and Art
- Decline of Maurya
Post-Mauryan India
- Arrival of Indo-Greeks, Shakas, Parthians & Kushana
- Satavahanas and Other Indigenous Dynasties
- Schools of Art: Gandhara; Mathura; Amravati
- Imperial Guptas
- Political history of Guptas
- Gupta Administration
- Development of Art & Culture
- Age of Golden age
- Economic Conditions
- Urban centres in Gupta period
- Harshavardana
- Sources for Harsha’s Period
- Early life of Harsha
- Harsha’s Administration
- Important Officials of the empire
- Economy under Harsha
- Huen Tsang
- Society
- Religion
- The Southern Dynasties
- Satavahanas (230 BC TO AD 225)
- Pallavas (AD 330–796)
- Chalukyas (AD 535–1190)
- Pandyas of Madurai (AD 590–1323)
- Chola Dynasty (AD 850–1310)
- Rashtrakutas (AD 753–973)
UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for Medieval History
Delhi Sultanate
- Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty
- Khilji Dynasty
- Tughluq dynasty
- Sayyid Dynasty
- Lodi dynasty
Struggle for Empire in North India (Afghans, Rajputs and Mughals)
- Mughals
- Babur
- Humayun
- Akbar
- Jahangir
- Shah Jahan
- Aurangzeb
- Later Mughals
- The decline of the Mughal Empire
- Sur Dynasties
- Maratha Empire
- Deccan Sultanate
- Ahmednagar Sultanate
- Bijapur Sultanate
- Berar Sultanate
- Golconda Sultanate
- Bidar Sultanate
UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for Modern History
Important Modern History Events Before 1857
- Later Mughals
- Regional powers in 18th Century
- Carnatic Wars
- Battle of Plassey & Buxar
- Anglo-Mysore War
- Anglo Punjab War
- Socio-economic Condition of People
- European Penetration of India
- British Conquest of India
- British Policies & Their Impact – Economic, Administrative & Socio-cultural
- Socio-cultural Reform Movements
- Uprisings Against British Pre-1857
Revolt of 1857
- Causes, Leaders, and Nature of Revolt of 1857
- Suppression of Revolt of 1857
- Consequences of the Revolt of 1857
- Act of Good Governance 1858
Growth of Nationalism in India (1858-1905)
- Political, Economic & Administrative Unification of the Country
- Role of Western Education
- Role of Press
- Rediscovery of India’s Past
- Early Political Movements
- Formation of INC
- Era of Moderates
Growth of Militant Nationalism & Revolutionary Activities (1905-1918)
- Swadeshi & Boycott Movement
- Surat Split
- International Influence
- Morley – Minto Reforms
- Growth of Communalism
Beginning of Mass Nationalism (1919-1939)
- Mahatma Gandhi – His Ideas & Leadership
- Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
- Rowlatt Act, Satyagrah and Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
- Non-cooperation & Khilafat Movement
- Swarajists & No-Changers
- The emergence of New Forces – Socialistic Ideas, Youth & Trade Unionism
- Revolutionary Activity
- Simon Commission & Nehru Report
- Civil Disobedience Movement
- Round Table Conferences
- Communal Award & Poona Pact
- Participation in Elections to Central Legislature (1934) & Provincial Assemblies (1937)
- Government of India Act, 1935
Towards Freedom & Partition (1939-1947)
- National Movement During World War II
- August Offer
- Individual Satyagraha
- Growth of Communalism
- Peasant Movements
- State People’s Struggle
- Cripps Mission
- Quit India Movement
- Wavell Plan
- INA & Subhash Chandra Bose
- Cabinet Mission
- Nationalist Upsurge Post-World War II
- Independence with Partition
UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for Post-Independence History
Nation Building
- Partition and Its Aftermath
- Integration of Princely States
- Linguistic Regionalism in India
- Reorganisation of States
- Issue of Official Language
- Tribal Consolidation
- Regional Aspirations
Foreign Policy
- Non-Aligned Movement
- Panchsheel
- Wars with Pakistan & China
- Nuclear Policy
- Planned Development
- Green Revolution, Operation Flood & Cooperatives
- Agrarian & Land Reforms
- Industrial Reforms
- LPG Reforms
- The era of One-Party Dominance
- Emergence of Opposition Parties
- Emergency: Crisis of Democratic Order
- Rise of Regional Parties
- Coalition Era
- Popular Movements
- Communalism
- Indian Women Since Independence
- Issue of Women and Evolution of Women’s Movement
- Naxalism
Post-Independence Policy of Science And Technology
- India’s Policy in the Field of the Science and Technology
- Impact of Economic Reform on the Science and Technology in India
UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for World History
Beginning of the Modern World
- Renaissance
- Discovery of Sea Routes
- Reformation
- Counter-Reformation
- Industrial Revolution
- European Nations Settle North America
- Rise of Slave Trade
- American War of Independence
- Foundation of American Colonies
- The Independence of the United States of America
- The American Revolutionary War
- What was the impact of the American Revolution?
- US Civil War
- Impact of Civil War on the USA
- Global Impact of the US Civil War
- Impact on India
- French Revolution
- Causes
- The Revolution in France
- France under Napoleon
- Impact of revolution
- Significance of revolution
- Nationalism in Europe
- Rise of the nation-state system
- Unification of Italy
- Unification of Germany
- Rise of Capitalism, Colonialism & Imperialism
- Colonialism
- The Age of Imperialism (1870-1914)
- Imperialism in Asia
- Analysis of Colonialism
World War I
- Causes of the War
- Scope & Course of the War
- Russian Revolution
- Major events in pre-revolution Russia
- Causes
- Course of revolution
- Consequences
- The aftermath of the war
- Post-Lenin Russia
- End of the War & Peace Treaties
- Consequences of the War
- League of Nations
World Between the Two Wars
- Europe After the War – Fascism & Nazism
- The Great Depression
- Emergence of the Soviet Union
- Nationalist Movements in Asia & Africa
- US as a Strong Power
World War II
- Fascist Aggression & Response of Western Democracies
- The outbreak of the War
- Theatres of the War
- US Entry into the War
- Global Nature of the War
- The Holocaust
- Resistance Movements
- After-effects of the War
Decolonisation & Redrawal of National Boundaries
- Europe after World War II
- Cold War
- Rise of Asia & Africa
- Developments in West Asia & North Africa
- Spread of Communism
- Korean War
- Vietnam War
- Cuban Crisis
- The collapse of Soviet Union
Concept, Types & Social Impact of Political Philosophies
- Communism
- Capitalism
- Socialism
UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for Indian Society
Salient Features of Indian Society, Diversity of India
- Features of Indian society
- Diversity (Types – caste, linguistic, social and religious, race, tribe and ethnicity, culture)
- Challenges Posed by Diversity
- Unity
- Pluralism
- Unity in Diversity
- Inequality and Exclusion
- Family System
- Examples of the above.
Role of Women and Women’s Organizations
- Women’s organizations in Indian history
- Types of Women’s Organizations
- Level of penetration
- 19th-Century Social Reform Movements and Early Women’s Organisations –
- Agrarian Struggles and Revolt
- Participation in Freedom Struggle
- Women’s organization (With Examples)
- Problems Faced by Women’s Organizations
- Is a larger vocal role possible and ways to achieve the same
- Role of SHGs, Microfinance Institution
Population and Associated Issues
- Basic Demography of India
- Population Trends in India and Their Implications
- Causes and Effects of OverPopulation
- Challenges of Population Explosion
- Changing Age Structure of the Indian Population
- Demographic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
- Population Aging in India
- India’s Population Policy & Initiatives
Poverty and Developmental Issues
- Concept of Development and Poverty
- Types of Poverty
- Measurement of Poverty – Poverty Line
- Causes of Poverty
- Poverty as a Social Problem
- Socio-economic Spread of Poverty
- Consequences of Poverty –
- Inequality
- Continuation of Vicious Cycle
- Who is worst affected by poverty?
- The Problem of Rising Urban Poverty
- Poverty Alleviation Initiatives
- Policy shifts from “Trickle Down” Economics to Inclusive or Pro-poor Development to Reduce Poverty
- Relation between Poverty Reduction and Development: Poverty-Inequality-Development Nexus
Urbanization, their problems and their remedies
- Urbanisation Trends in India and Their Implications – Demographic and Social Dimensions
- Factors Driving Urbanisation
- State of Service Delivery and Challenges Posed by Urbanisation
- Problems of Urban Areas
- Social Consequences of Urbanisation
- Impact of Urbanisation in Rural Areas
- Urban Planning and Role of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
- Reforms Required and Government Initiatives Taken So Far
- Problems of Slums
Effects of Globalization on Indian society
- Understanding Globalisation – Its Different Dimensions
- Globalisation & Culture – Homogenisation vs. Glocalisation
- Factors Driving Globalisation
- Globalisation & India
- Impact of Globalisation on India – Socio-cultural, economic, on women, agrarian sector etc.
- Does Globalisation Cause Poverty?
Social Empowerment
- Which are the Socially Disadvantaged Groups?
- Meaning and Concept of social empowerment
- Dimensions of Social Empowerment
- Why do we need social empowerment?
- Government Initiatives to Aide Social Empowerment
- Empowerment in Reality and India’s Experience
- Communalism – Its Characteristics
- Communalism in India in the Past
- Communalism in Contemporqary India
- Causes of Communalism
- Consequences of Communalism
- Measures to Control & Eradicate Communalism
- Secularism as an Antidote to Communalism
- Concept of Region & Regionalism
- Different Forms of Regionalism
- Regionalism in India
- Causes of Regionalism
- Concept of ‘Sons of Soil’
- Consequences of Regionalism
- Federalism & Regionalism
- Role of Regional Parties
- Measures to Contain Regionalism
- Regionalism in the International Sphere
- Concept of Secularism
- Indian Model of Secularism
- Secularism in India
- Nature & Practice of Secularism in India
- Uniform Civil Code
- Challenges Faced by Secularism in India
- Measures to Make India Truly Secular
UPSC GS 1 Syllabus for World and Indian Geography
Salient Features of the World’s Physical Geography
- Geomorphology
- Origin & Evolution of Earth
- Interior of the Earth
- Distribution of Continents & Oceans
- Plate Tectonic Theory
- Distribution of Earthquakes & Volcanoes
- Rocks & Rock Cycle
- Geomorphic Processes – Endogenic & Exogenic
- Landforms & their Evolution
- Geological Time Scale
- Oceanography
- Hydrological Cycle
- Seafloor Spreading
- Ocean Floor Configuration
- Temperature & Salinity of Oceans
- Movement of Oceans – Waves, Tides, Currents
- Climatology
- Earth’s Atmosphere – Composition & Structure
- Solar Radiation, Heat Budget & Temperature
- Atmospheric Circulation & Weather Systems
- World Climate (examples)
- Soil Geography
- Soil & Soil Contents
- Process of Soil Formation
- Soil Forming Factors
- Types of Soils (examples)
- Soil Erosion & Conservation
Distribution of Key Natural Resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent)
- Types of Resources
- On the Basis of Origin, Ownership, Exhaustability etc.
- Land Resources
- Land Utilisation
- Land Use Pattern
- Land Degradation & Conservation
- Forest Resources
- Types & Distribution – Grasslands, Forests etc.
- Causes of Depletion
- Conservation of Forests
- Water Resources
- Marine & Freshwater
- Water Scarcity & Need For Conservation
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- Agricultural Resources
- Types of Farming
- Cropping Patterns
- Contribution to Economy, Employment & Output
- Food Security
- Mineral & Energy Resources
- Classification of Minerals – Ferrous & Non-Ferrous
- Occurrence of Minerals
- Conservation of Minerals
- Classification of Energy Resources – Conventional & Non-Conventional
- Occurrence of Energy Resources
- Conservation of Energy Resources
Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)
- Classification of Industries
- Location & Distribution of the Industries on the Basis of
- Raw Material
- Labour
- Market
- Capital
- Land
- Grants & Financial Incentives
- Power
- Transport
- Water
- Communication
- Distribution of Major Industries – Iron & Steel, IT, Cotton Textile
- Agglomeration & Footloose Industries
Important Geophysical Phenomena
such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclones etc., geographical features and their location changes in critical geographical features (including Water-bodies and Ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes
- Earthquakes
- Why Does Earth Shake?
- Earthquake Waves
- Shadow Zone
- Types of Earthquake
- Measuring Earthquake
- Effects of Earthquake
- Tsunami
- What Causes Tsunami
- Effect of Tsunami
- Mitigating the Impact of Tsunami
- Volcanoes
- Types of Volcanoes
- What Causes Volcanoes?
- Volcanic Landforms
- Intrusive volcanic Landforms
- Extrusive Volcanic Landforms
- Distribution of Volcanoes
- Cyclone
- Tropical Cyclones
- Anti-Cyclone
- Extra-Tropical Cyclones
- Factors Causing Changes in Critical Geographical Features
- Examples of Changing Geographical Features – Melting of Ice Sheets, Desertification etc.
- Impact of Changing Geographical Features
- Physical Geography of India
- Physiography of India
- Drainage System
- Climate
- Soils in India
- Natural Vegetation
- Human Geography
- Demography
- Urbanization
- Census
- Economic Geography
- Agriculture
- Mineral resource
- Energy resources
- Industry
- Transport and Communication