Economy Notes For UPSC ( Prelims + Mains )
Here we provide complete study material of Economy for UPSC. You can find Economy Notes for UPSC, Preparation strategy for Economy, Economy PYQ all at one place.
Economics Notes UPSC
As you know Economy is a very important subject for UPSC exam be it prelims or Mains. Indian Economy Notes for UPSC IAS will help you in your preparation. We provide UPSC Economics Notes for each and every topic to help students to clear IAS exam. You can access Indian Economics notes pdf below.
UPSC Economics Notes Which You Shouldn’t Miss!
Money Banking, Finance And Insurance
- Money Supply
- Central bank digital currency
- Cryptocurrencies
- Reserve bank of India
- Monetary policy
- Monetary policy committee
- Banking system in india
- Types of Banks
- Nationalisation of banks in India
- Non Banking financial companies
Budget, FC, GST, FRBM