UPSC PSIR Optional Question Paper 2020 Pdf Download
UPSC PSIR Optional Question Paper 2020
UPSC PSIR Optional Question Paper 2020 is provided here. You can download PSIR Question Paper 2020 pdf also. Question asked in political science optional question paper 2020 are given below.
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Table of Contents
UPSC PSIR Optional Question Paper 2020 Paper 1
Important Instruction
- There are EIGHT questions divided in two Sections and printed both in HINDI and i n ENGLISH.
- Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
- Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
UPSC PSIR Optional Question Paper 2020 pdf link given in the end.
PSIR Question Paper 2020: Paper – 1 Section – A
1] Comment on the following in about 150 words each: ( 10 × 5 = 50 )
- a). Post-colonial theory of the state
- b). Equality of opportunity
- c). Liberalism as a revolutionary idea
- d). Ambedkar’s ideas on constitutionalism
- e). Machiavelli’s secularism
2] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Make a comparative assessment of Greek perspective of Justice with the Rawlsian concept of Justice.
- b). Representative democracy . . . . . . means the people as a body must be able to control the general direction of government policy. (J. S. Mill). Comment.
- c). Assess the significance of right to property in political theory.
3] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Explicate the ideological components of Gandhism.
- b). Examine the nature and meaning of power.
- c). Explain the sources of ancient Indian political thought.
4] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Trace the evolution of Western Political Thought from ancient to contemporary period.
- b). Discuss the significance of a normative approach to Political theory.
- c). Discuss Karl Marx’s concept of class.
PSIR Question Paper 2020: Paper – 1 Section – B
5] Answer the following in about 150 words each: ( 10 × 5 = 50 )
- a). Role of socialists in Indian National Movement
- b). Indian constitution makers’ concerns on social inequality
- c). Right to constitutional remedies in India
- d). Judicial overreach in India
- e). Mechanism for settling inter-state disputes
6] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Examine the role and functioning of the Election Commission of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General in the last two decades.
- b). Trace the role of militant and revolutionary movements in Indian national movement.
- c). To what extent has 73rd and 74th amendments of the Indian Constitution enhanced women’s empowerment?
7] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Does the functioning of the federalism in India tend to make it appear as a unitary state in practice?
- b). Has the thrust of government tilted towards executive in contemporary Indian Politics? Give your arguments.
- c). ‘Liberalisation of Indian Economy has not been accompanied with adequate reforms’. Comment.
8] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). To what extent has the inadequate intra-party democracy affected the functioning of Indian Democracy?
- b). Examine the role of religion in Indian Electoral Politics in the contemporary times.
- c). Examine the nature of the civil liberty movement in India.
UPSC PSIR Optional Question Paper 2020 Paper 2
Important Instruction are same as paper 1. Question asked in PSIR Optional paper 2020 paper 2 are given below.
PSIR Question Paper 2020: Paper – 2 Section – A
1] Answer the following in about 150 words each: ( 10 × 5 = 50 )
- a). Discuss the subject matter of comparative politics. Outline the limitations of comparative political analysis.
- b). Analyze the contribution of liberal democratic principles in the democratization of Indian polity.
- c). Has the increased participation of the underprivileged in the political process of the developing societies strengthened democracy or created political chaos and conflict? Comment.
- d). Critically examine the impact of the process of globalization from the perspective of the countries of the Global South.
- e). What are the core assumptions of idealism as an approach to study International Relations? Explain its continuing relevance in peace building.
2] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Explain the concept of balance of power. What are the various techniques of maintaining balance of power?
- b). Enumerate the challenges in the operation of the principles related to collective security in the UN Charter.
- c). Critically analyze the implications of Sino-American strategic rivalry for the South and South-East Asian region.
3] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Discuss the ways to strengthen the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to enable it to address the challenges faced by the developing countries.
- b). Critically evaluate the role of the United States of America in the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement mechanism and its implications for the future of the WTO.
- c). Explain the significance and importance of the demand raised by the developing countries for a New International Economic Order (NIEO). Are they likely to achieve their objectives of NIEO in foreseeable future?
4] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Discuss the significance and urgency of the UN Security Council reforms. Explain the relevance of the reform proposals made by the UN Secretary General António Guterres for the developing countries.
- b). Critically analyze the role of ASEAN in the promotion of regional peace and security through economic cooperation and trade.
- c). Examine the role of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other major efforts by the UN to address the global environmental crisis.
PSIR Question Paper 2020: Paper – 2 Section – B
5] Answer the following in about 150 words each: ( 10 × 5 = 50 )
- a). Describe the structure and function of the National Security Council of India. What role does it play in the formulation of Indian foreign policy?
- b). Outline the reasons for the low volume of trade in the SAARC region.
- c). Analyze the impact of hydro politics on Indo-Bangladesh relations.
- d). Discuss the future prospects of Indo-Nepal relations in the context of the recent publication of new Nepalese map wrongly claiming Indian territory.
- e). How does cross-border terrorism impede the achievements of peace and security in South Asia?
6] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). How do the guiding principles of India-Africa relations seek to enhance harmony and mutual cooperation between India and Africa?
- b). What are the notable features of the recently concluded pact or the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) between India and Japan? How is it likely to address the security concerns of India?
- c). Discuss the significance of Indo-US strategic partnership and its implications for India’s security and national defence.
7] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). Explain the defence and foreign policy options of India to address the challenges emerging out of the current India-China standoff at the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
- b). Explain the importance of India’s claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.
- c). Discuss the efficacy of India’s ‘no first use’ policy (nuclear weapons) in the context of the evolving strategic challenges from its neighbours.
8] Answer the following: ( A= 20, B=15, C=15 Marks )
- a). “The war in Afghanistan is crucial from the point of view of India’s national security. If the Americans withdraw and Jihadis emerge with a sense of triumphalism, India will face increasing onslaught of terrorism.” Comment.
- b). Identify the key sectors of cooperation between India and Israel since 2014. Examine their significance in strengthening the bilateral ties between the two countries.
- c). Critically examine the role of India in shaping the emerging world order.
UPSC PSIR Optional Question Paper 2020 – Pdf Download

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